Ranipur Wild Life Sanctuary, Karvi, Chitrakoot
Destination Description
Ranipur Wild Life Sanctuary is located in Distt. Chitrakoot Divisional head quater at Mirzapur, the total geographical is 3369.47 sq. m. it is well connected by road & Rail, nearest railway satiation is Manikpur on Bombay Hawrah train rout. We can accesses by road from Delhi & Allahabad. Dictations from Allahabad is 120 km. & From Delhi 731 km. nearest Airport is Bamrouly. In the Sanctuary Area we can See Black Duck, Chinkara, Sambar, Cheetal, Bear, Leapord, woulf, WIld Dog & Blue Bull. In flora Bamboo, Palas, Khair, Mahua, Dhau, Salai, Tendu etc. or found there.
Ranipur Wild Life Sanctuary spread over the Vindhyan Range. Summer-Temp varies from 270c to 480c . Winter- Temp varies from 60c to 260c. Rains are frequent during Monsoons.
Cultural Aspect
In Distt. Chitrakoot people celebrate so many functions like Dashahara & Diwali in month of October & November. April to June, it is very hot maximum temperature up to 480c , October to March - good weather Rains-Normal
Area (Geographical)
Longitude— E 80° 48'' to E 81° 14''
Latitude— N 24° 53'' to N 25°02''
Black duck, Chinkara, Sambar, Cheetal, bear, Lapord, woulf, wild dog & Blue bull etc.
There is very dense and good forest of Bambu, Palas, Khair, Mahua, Dhau, Salai, Tendu etc.
Important Natural Attractions
Black Buck, Vedhak Jaldhara, Lakhanpur, Rujhouhn, Sabari Prapat, Amrawati Prapat, Dharkundi asharam.
Tranquil Forest, Quiet Rivers, Pilgrimage
Contact Numbers
S.No. | Name of Institution | Address | Phone Number |
1 | D.F.O. Kaimoor Wild Life Division | Ghurahoopatti, Jogiyabari Road, Mirzapur, U.P. | 05442-253126 e-mail:dfokaimoor@yahoo.co.in |
2 | Wild Life warden | Ranipur WL Sanctuary Karvi, Chitrakoot | |
How to Get There
Karvi (Manikpur) is the head quater of the Ranipur wild Life sanctuary. Here we can accesses by road & Rail from Allahabad & Delhi.
Best Time to Visit
Visiting season starts from 15 Nov to 30 June . Best season for sighting and visiting November to- March.